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NAbox Architecture

Most of NAbox components are delivered as containers inside the virtual appliance.

Containers are managed by docker-compose, you can find the files for the docker-compose environment in /usr/local/nabox/docker-compose/.

File Description
docker-compose.yaml Main configuration file, it should not be modified because it will be overwritten with each update
docker-compose.override.yaml Override file, you can customize docker-compose environement by making changes here
.env Environment file, some critical environment variables are defined here

You can interact with the compose stack with the dc command line, which is an alias to docker-compose with the right parameters.

nabox:~# dc ps
       Name                     Command                  State                                                     Ports                                              
cadvisor             /usr/bin/cadvisor -logtostderr   Up (healthy)   8080/tcp                                        
go-carbon            /init/                     Up (healthy)   2003/tcp, 2003/udp, 2004/tcp, 7002/tcp, 7003/tcp, 7007/tcp, 8080/tcp                             
grafana              /                          Up             3000/tcp                                                                                         
graphite             /bin/sh -c /               Up             80/tcp                                                                                           
nabox-admin          / ngin ...   Up             80/tcp                                                                                           
nabox-api            python                    Up             5000/tcp                                                                                         
nabox-harvest        python3               Up             5000/tcp                                                                                         
nabox-harvest2       python3               Up             5000/tcp                                                                                         
node-exporter        /bin/node_exporter --path. ...   Up             9100/tcp                                        
prometheus           /bin/prometheus --config.f ...   Up             9090/tcp                                                                                         
traefik              / --api.insec ...   Up   >2003/tcp,:::2003->2003/tcp,>443/tcp,:::443->443/tcp,                  

nabox-api:~# dc logs -f --tail 10 nabox-api
Attaching to nabox-api
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:14] "GET /api/1.0/system/disks HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:19] "GET /api/1.0/dashboards/nullpointmode HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:19] "GET /api/1.0/dashboards/nullpointmode HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/upgrade HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/upgrade HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/version HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/version HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | WARNING:root:{'text': 'harvest version 22.02.0-4 (commit 9484df6) (build date 2022-02-15T09:11:03-0500) linux/amd64', 'version': '22.02.0-4'}
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/packages HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/packages HTTP/1.1" 200 -


The following containers are deployed with NAbox :

Container Description
cadvisor Exports containers usage statistics for NAbox dashboard
go-carbon Ingests metrics coming from NetApp Harvest 1.x
grafana Grafana Dashboards
graphite Presents metrics coming from NetApp Harvest 1.x to Grafana
nabox-admin Web interface
nabox-api NAbox API server
nabox-harvest NetApp Harvest 1.x
nabox-harvest2 NetApp Harvest 2.x
node-exporter Exports NAbox host usage statistics for NAbox dashboard
prometheus Prometheus stores metrics coming from NetApp Harvest 2.x
traefik Routes HTTPS trafic to different containers

Collecting logs

Most issues can be troubleshoot by looking at logs for nabox-api and nabox-harvest2 containers :

nabox:~# dc logs -f --tail 10 nabox-api
Attaching to nabox-api
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:14] "GET /api/1.0/system/disks HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:19] "GET /api/1.0/dashboards/nullpointmode HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:19] "GET /api/1.0/dashboards/nullpointmode HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/upgrade HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/upgrade HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/version HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/version HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | WARNING:root:{'text': 'harvest version 22.02.0-4 (commit 9484df6) (build date 2022-02-15T09:11:03-0500) linux/amd64', 'version': '22.02.0-4'}
nabox-api             | - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/packages HTTP/1.1" 200 -
nabox-api             | INFO:werkzeug: - - [01/Apr/2022 10:01:27] "GET /api/1.0/system/packages HTTP/1.1" 200 -

nabox:~# dc logs -f --tail 10 nabox-harvest2
Attaching to nabox-harvest2
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [files-used-pct-file-limit] instances on this SVM_NAS.fg_oss_1605688496.bucket03 Poller=AFF plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [files-used-pct-soft-file-limit] instances on this SVM_NAS.fg_oss_1605688496. Poller=AFF plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [disk-used-pct-disk-limit] instances on this SVM_NAS.fg_oss_1605688496. Poller=AFF plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [disk-used-pct-soft-disk-limit] instances on this SVM_NAS.fg_oss_1605688496. Poller=AFF plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [disk-used-pct-threshold] instances on this SVM_NAS.fg_oss_1605688496. Poller=AFF plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [files-used-pct-file-limit] instances on this SVM_NAS.fg_oss_1605688496. Poller=AFF plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [files-used-pct-soft-file-limit] instances on this NAS_SVM_MC1.VOL_DEMO_CIFS.qtree1 Poller=ClusterA plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [disk-used-pct-soft-disk-limit] instances on this NAS_SVM_MC1.VOL_DEMO_CIFS.qtree1 Poller=ClusterA plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM WRN goharvest2/cmd/collectors/zapi/plugins/quota/quota.go:180 > no [disk-used-pct-threshold] instances on this NAS_SVM_MC1.VOL_DEMO_CIFS.qtree1 Poller=ClusterA plugin=Zapi:Qtree
nabox-harvest2        | 8:05AM ERR goharvest2/cmd/poller/collector/collector.go:375 > plugin [Qtree]:  error="no instances => no quota instances found" Poller=ClusterB collector=Zapi:Qtree stack=[{"func":"New","line":"35","source":"errors.go"},{"func":"(*Quota).Run","line":"156","source":"quota.go"},{"func":"(*AbstractCollector).Start","line":"374","source":"collector.go"},{"func":"goexit","line":"1581","source":"asm_amd64.s"}]

You can save those logs in a file and create an archive like so :

dc logs nabox-api > nabox-api.log; dc logs nabox-harvest2 > nabox-harvest2.log;\
  tar -czf nabox-logs-`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S`.tgz *

Collecting Harvest Configuration

To collect a redacted copy of harvest.yml, run the following command :

dc exec -w /conf nabox-harvest2 /netapp-harvest/bin/harvest doctor --print

Using Prometheus and Graphite

Both Prometheus and Graphite are exposed to the outside so you can browse metrics and test queries.

Point your browser to https://<nabox ip>/prometheus/ or https://<nabox ip>/graphite/ accordingly


Configuration files

NAbox stores most configuration files in /opt/ directory :

Directory Description
harvest-conf Configuration file for Harvest 1.x (Deprecated)
harvest2-conf Harvest 2.x configuration directory.
secrets Various tokens for inter-containers communication and Certification Authorities
ssl Traefik reverse proxy configuration and certificate files


In this directory you will find the main configuration file for Harvest. Normally, this file is only managed by NAbox Web UI and shouldn't be modified externally.

It is possible though, to copy this file from one NAbox to another when migrating, or generate this file with external script, as long as you take extra care putting all the required properties for a poller to function properly. Specifically, prometheus_port is required and must be unique across that file.

When you modify that file, you should see the changes reported in the Web UI.


In the Web UI, only systems having Zapi, ZapiPerf or StorageGrid collectors will be displayed. By convention, internal pollers starting with _ like _unix are not visible.


The secrets directory maintains the tokens used for communication between the different products in NAbox

File Description
grafana Grafana API token used when adding datasources or customizing dashboards properties from Web UI
harvest-api Harvest REST frontend authentication token (Documentation on https://<nabox ip>/harvest2/1.0/ui/)
harvest-grafana Grafana API token used when injecting dashboards during Harvest 2 installation or dashboard reset from Web UI
jwt-secret JWT seed, unique for each NAbox deployment, used to generate Web UI session token
nabox-api NAbox REST frontend API token, you can also use NAbox admin user to authenticate (Documentation on https://<nabox ip>/api/1.0/ui/)


The ssl directory contains certificate files for NAbox web server.

When generating a Certificate Signing Request from REST API, it will also contain the .csr file.

Feel free to copy your own private key and public certificates respectively as nabox.key and nabox.crt and restart traefik with dc restart traefik.

File Description
nabox.crt Public certificate for NAbox web server
nabox.csr Certificate Signing Request, if there is one pending. CSR can be generate through REST interface.
nabox.key Private key for NAbox web server
traefik.yaml Traefik reverse proxy configuration file